Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC)
Ask your doctor
Your questions can serve as a great starting point for a conversation with your medical team about whether a left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) is the right treatment for you. We invite you and your family to use the following questions as a tool to help you talk to your doctor about LAAC. You may print out these questions and take them with you to your next appointment. It’s always a good idea to take notes to help you remember your discussion when you get home.
- Am I a good candidate for LAAC? Why or why not?
- If I have LAAC performed, will I be able to stop taking anticoagulant (blood-thinner) medications?
- If LAAC isn’t right for me, is it possible I would be a good candidate for the procedure in the future?
- Would LAAC allow me to have my desired quality of life?
- Which type of LAA procedure would be best for me? Why?
- I understand LAAC will not cure my atrial fibrillation (Afib). What can be done to address it?
- What will my recovery be like from LAAC? Should I go to a cardiac rehabilitation program?
- Once the procedure is over, will I be able to exercise?
- What is my long-term prognosis? What are the likely outcomes?
- What follow-up will be necessary?
- What can I do to positively affect the outcome of this procedure?
- Will my weight, cholesterol, diet, blood pressure, or exercise habits have any effect on the outcome of the procedure?
- Who can I turn to for support (hospital staff, support groups, etc.)?